Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day 5 – Grasping Multiple Realities

Content from Stephanie

Thursday - 15 November

I was bricking a wall today.


I was bricking a wall today. Wow, even saying it a second time doesn’t make it sound real to me.

When we started this morning I was nervous that I was not going to be able to accomplish the task to the standards of the masons and that I would have another job assigned to me like more cement mixing - oh, so much cement mixing. I didn’t get moved to another task though, instead I found myself taking a moment to understand a very different outcome.

After lunch, we all went back to the walls we started on and I found myself working alone. As I turned to grab a brick, one of the locals took a position so that he could pass them to me as I continued. We exchanged smiles and over enthusiastic ‘Yays’ every time I finished a row. This continued for quite a while when I suddenly froze as I was handed another brick – the local man was actually the mason. A man who constructs homes for a living was assisting ME. I have never laid a brick in my life. Come to think about it, have I ever even held a brick before? 

Mixing cement the first day was a challenge. Moving sand the second day was tiring. Filling the floor on the third day was exhilarating. But bricking walls has been emotional.

I caught myself holding back tears multiple times as the day progressed. First, because the task reminded me of a reality I will be returning home to. My uncle, whom I have never know as anything other than strong, loveable, humorous man who always seemed to have a beer near his side, has fallen ill. As an entrepreneur, he built his own prosperous masonry company that he can proudly say that most of his immediate family now works for and I have always admired him for that. As I placed my first brick today, all I could think to myself was, I wonder what Uncle Puddy would think of my work? Since the wall seems to be level and straight, but more importantly still standing, I hope he would be proud of me. As Mai says, I have “super awesome fantastic” bricking skills. I wonder if my uncle will offer me a place on his masonry team when I return…

This one is for you Uncle Puddy

Another emotional element to my day was watching us truly work as a well trained team. We have bonded as a group that not only is determined to finish the homes on time, but have found joy in joking with the masons, the locals and the affiliates. We have seen each other grow to learn new skills and take care of each other when we see someone in need of a break or they have been in the heat for too long without a Gatorade at their side. We have a great team and I am proud to be apart of this project.

The last emotional part of the day was taking a step back and realizing that I have become proud of myself throughout this journey and I know that will only continue as the build progresses. To see such tangible results of our labour has been so much more rewarding that I could ever communicate in words. The walls and floor of these homes signify safety, privacy and a sense of ownership to a family that they deserve. I feel privileged to be able to provide these basis necessities to two very deserving families. 

I was bricking a wall today.
I think that has finally sunk in.  

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